Saturday, April 3, 2010

What Kind of Vegetarian Am I?

There are many kinds of vegetarians in the world...
And I decided to be a...
PESCO-VEGETARIAN....for the time being...
who actually
eats fish and non-mammalian seafood but does not eat any other meats.
and i take dairy products too~~

I can live with just tofu, veg, grains & beans ...
but when I need to dine out for gatherings,
I will still take fish and seafood...
I do not take mock meats...they are just extra carbo to me, and since I don't wanna munch on mammals then why do I want to fantasize about chewing on their meat to satify myself??


So for now...I do not eat beef, mutton, pork, duck or chicken...
People might think that I'm contradicting myself as fish have blood and bones like us...
and they hurt too!
but who knows I may even take fish and seafood out of my life soon?
I just don't want to push myself that far for a's just a transition stage...
if I were to just switch suddenly, my plans may backfire in the end...

it's been nearly a week and I'm doing fine...
feeling healthier and more clear minded!

I think by this way, i can save
lets say 100 chickens and ducks per year by not eating their drumsticks, thighs and wings~
a few pigs...and a few lambs + cows...
I'm doing all these for our loyal friends...
Please support me!!!

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