Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bought a New Glucose Meter! & some vents..

Arghh...i picked up the courage and bought a glucose meter! im that kind of pple who are so scared of needles, and wont wanna do it everyday. But i need to know my condition, so got to do it. My mum pricked me, I still dont really dare to diy... u know that kind of feeling!!

My morning reading after fasting for 10 hours.

I know its still high, but compared to the time when im hospitalised, it's already a great improvement! in hospital, the lowest i can go without insulin is 11+ and can shoot up to 14+ after food. Yesterday nite i did the test 2 hrs after dinner, and its also 8.6.

Now..let me aim for 7!!!!

I've not been eating any fried food for nearly a month, so i tink it really helps!

This is my blood pressure taken in the morning after the prick test...

not too happy with the results...maybe bcos i've already started to eat outside food and its way more saltish than home cooked of course...

And another ting pulse/min seemed to have dropped alot. Previously my pulse is about 70+ always..and now its slowly goin down to 60s and 50s. DO NOT EAT OILY/FRIED FOOD AND YOUR HEART WILL BE HEALTHIER TOO!! Always remember that...

Look at my breakfast for this fresh sunday morning..

haha..i baked the wholemeal bread. I know i shouldnt be eating 2 bread but...i just cant resist it..hehe..anyway its 2 small buns...not with the size of the egg yolk...its not too big afterall...n ate some organic mesculin salad.

It's really relaxing on sunday morning! finally an offday! but next month onwards i got to teach on sundays i will be working 7 days a week =( and i tink some kids are contributing to my higher blood pressure. of u really cant imagine.....they dont even respect me, im like a slave to a nobody in their me i owe them money....theres even one student who said someting really ridiculous to me, "you are collecting money from my mother every month, why are u taking our money? if u take our money, u should use it to buy X box for us" arrghhhhhhhhhhhh....I WAS LIKE....SHOCKED~!!!! Opened my eyes big!!!!wat should i do? And wat can i do? I mean i love kids..although they treat me like that i still love them, but its just that moment...they just get on my nerves..arghh!!! And nobody can imagine wat other tings they did to me, its way too ridiculous to be believed. Any of u can give me some advice on this?

OK more complains..Ciaos~~~~

With lotsa love,


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